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Fair Trade

fair trade values

For many artisans and farmers, handcrafting is the only option available to earn vital income to support their families.

Since 1949, SERRV International has believed in the critical role handcrafting plays in global employment. Our vision for a better world in the making® is driven by a belief in fair income for all.


For those whose work is limited by poverty or social circumstance, or where factory work and other employment options are unavailable, our fair trade business model has built sustainable income and opportunity.

Fair Trade Defined

Fair trade is a commitment to a fairer world— ensuring that people who make and grow products have a place to sell them, that they're fairly paid, and that their working conditions and communities are healthy.


For over 70 years, SERRV International has remained committed to fair trade's strictest codes of conduct, and to a triple bottom line of economic, environmental and social development. Our priorities are trading partnerships built on commitment, respect, transparency, and accountability.

Verified Fair Trade

As a founding member of the World Fair Trade Organization (1989) and the U.S. Fair Trade Federation (1994), SERRV has been a pioneer in the global fair trade movement. We continue to honor our responsibility to long-term partnerships— ensuring that we intimately know, monitor, and support each of our partner organizations.

SERRV's bi-annual Better World Partner Audit helps ensure adherence to our shared mission to build Sustainable Employment, Resources, Rights, and Vision within the small-scale artisan and farming communities. Learn more.

A Mission in a Name

Every letter in our name SERRV has purpose, and stands for an important part of our mission.






Learn more about SERRV's mission and how you're helping make an impact for global artisans and farmers through fair trade.