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About Us

SERRV, a fair trade nonprofit since 1949

Since 1949

Fighting global poverty through fair and ethical trade

One of the first fair trade organizations in the world, SERRV International began its mission in 1949 after World War II by helping displaced European refugees trade their handcrafts for income. Since then, we've extended our reach to countries worldwide, supporting over 8,000 artisans and farmers annually by selling their beautiful handcrafts and delicious foods.


Over the years, SERRV has worked with churches, retail stores, other groups and countless individuals to promote and sell fair trade items. As a nonprofit, SERRV also receives contributions and grants to help sustain our fair trade mission. Our 26,000-foot warehouse receives goods sent by artisans and farmers from 24 countries. Multiple catalogs are mailed out each year to current and potential customers. We package and ship as many as 500,000 handmade items and foods a year.

Our Mission Statement

To empower small-scale global artisans and farmers through long-term trading partnerships, helping them build sustainable employment, resources, rights, and a vision of hope in their communities.

What we've accomplished in 75 years

Enthusiastic customers and generous donors have enabled more than 75,000 artisans and farmers to make a living and support their families. Over the years, more than 30 million fair trade products have been purchased from SERRV. Numerous health, education, and climate resilience projects have strengthened communities worldwide.


As part of our dedication to our fair trade mission, we’ve sought and obtained third-party verification with several different organizations, including the Fair Trade Federation, Green Business Network, and People and Planet. By joining these prestigious groups, we’re helping foster an even broader community of eco-friendly and ethical businesses in the United States.


Throughout our history we’ve partnered with several philanthropic organizations in the United States to promote fair trade, including Christian Children’s Fund, Lutheran World Relief, Catholic Relief Services, United Methodist Committee on Relief, and World Vision. We’re grateful for these invaluable partnerships and the long-term relationships we’ve built together.

What we believe in

Creating employment

SERRV provides employment opportunities to all artisans, regardless of gender, sexuality, race, or religion.


We also work to prevent child labor, instead making sure artisans' children stay in school and have brighter futures.

Paying fair wages

Artisans working with SERRV are paid in advance, to ensure they can support themselves and their families while they work.

Encouraging sustainable practices

SERRV cares about the planet, and encourages artisans to use sustainable crafting methods and recycled materials in their handcrafts.


Here at home, we also use recycled cardboard shreds and boxes to pack our products for safe shipping.

Supporting community development

SERRV provides financial grants to help build workshops, fund healthcare and education initiatives, recover from natural disasters, and additional community improvement projects as needed.

Preserving traditional crafting techniques

SERRV employs artisans who utilize traditional crafting methods, patterns, and materials to create their handcrafts.

You're helping build a better world

With your purchases of fair trade products and with your financial contributions, you’re helping to combat global poverty. Through SERRV, you’re in partnership with artisans and farmers as they build better lives for themselves, their families, and their communities.

fair trade • eco-friendly • nonprofit